A powerful tool for your business.
Smaller, but stronger! The new emitter is light and compact and has new optical system inside. Decreased IR spot and minimal rebounds are guaranteed. The new T1M emitter is now provided with every tagger by default for free.
Every team should have its own color, right? Now 4 colors are available: red, green, blue and yellow. The brightness and sensitivity were increased to make the game more vivid and attractive.
Every LSD tagger can be equipped with additional shock sensor. Shock sensor installs into the front side of the trunk. It is installed inside the front of the body. Think twice before firing from behind the wall with your arm stretched and sensors hidden. You will get your tagger blocked when hit!
Every device is supplied with its special quality digital sounds. Now the volume is controlled via software. Whenever you want to make it loud or silent – one click is enough to control.
New Li-ion power supply is installed by default. Absolutely safe and very dependable. Up to 50 hours of active playing! The operating temperature is -30 — +38 Celsius. No more removable batteries, no more hustle. Easy charging through the jack. Chargers are sold separately.
Taggers of the 8th Generation can be modified with the following upgrades: LCD screen shows the number of lives, the number of clips and bullets left in your tagger, batteries level of the headband(or vest) and tagger, also shows which team the player belongs to. Vibro recoil imitation module is also available! It has already become our bestseller and the most exciting feature. A powerful vibro motor is synchronized with the trigger to provide real feelings whilst firing. It can be activated or deactivated easily via software. Every upgrade is an extra 25 euros for each.